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Письмо с посланием.
14.04.2011 | 23:21 | # 1 |
вот какое письмо я получил участвуя в кибер диструкции. я так понимаю они решили закончить игру. в сути я так и неразобрался ибо с языком беда)). читайте мож кто переведет на могучий --буду признателен.(PRESS RELEASE

Due to a number of circumstances which will become more transparent over the coming days & weeks, the "Cyber Destruction" adult gaming community will be officially removing it's current clan from the game owned & operated by Icarus known as "Fallen Earth"

After deliberation and unanimous agreement by community leadership of "Cyber Destruction", a decision has been made that our community no longer wishes to be associated with Icarus or any of their current properties due to both inconsistent & biased policy enforcement, as well as, "corrupt business practices".

Furthermore due to the current clan tag being trademarked and a direct namesake and representation of this website, leadership will not be passed to any existing community member who wishes to continue playing "Fallen Earth", nor will we entertain requests to allow other members to carry on the "Cyber Destruction" tag in "Fallen Earth".

This is not a decision we take lightly and is not being done without careful consideration of how it will effect those in the current "Cyber Destruction" clan in "Fallen Earth".

We understand that not everyone in our community may agree with or completely understand this decision we are making at the present time. However, in order to retain the integrity of our community, leadership has decided this situation to be a chance to not only set a positive precedent through abstention, but also, a chance to lead by example and show that mature gamers who enjoy a level playing field will not tolerate anything less than the absolute respect they deserve for their subscriptions. When the minimum spirit of "fair play" and integrity is not upheld by those in positions of authority, players CAN make a difference by withdrawing from participation in what they believe to be unjust and less than a quality product. This is our message.

"Yes, we know it's a business"

Online games are businesses, and like any business, it is only as good as the framework set forth by it's management team & developers. Hopefully those within the management & development teams of Icarus will take notice of our actions along with those from such communities who preceded us in withdrawing from "Fallen Earth" ("Wolves of War" and "E.T.S.U", just to name a couple) who felt the game had been ruined by the inconsistent and constantly changing staff at Icarus; more specifically, within their flagship game, "Fallen Earth".

"No sympathy for turning a blind eye"

We understand that enforcing policy and processing customer tickets is a tireless and, sometimes, thankless job, but the extent to which certain players were allowed to exploit unabated after evidence (above and beyond reproach) was submitted in many cases, is no longer acceptable. Evidence has also come to light of "GM's" handling players, as well as, volunteers so unprofessionally that one "GM" in particular has now been accused of, not only killing players they do not like in game, but doing so in support of certain known "exploiters" when these "infamous" players are being killed repeatedly by those who report them.

This type of biased enforcement of already ambiguous rules is not only detrimental to the integrity of the game, but goes to the core of the real issues and imminent failure of a game with so much potential; the disregard of legitimate player reports by upper management and inability to police their own staff properly to avoid abuse of power by Icarus staff within the game they are responsible for.

"Goodbye and see you in the next game..."

In closing, we here at "Cyber Destruction" community would like to thank those staff members at Icarus who tried to maintain the integrity of the game in the face of such hypocrisy, while dealing with so many changes and turmoil within their own company. Many of you did a superior job at handling such pressures while still trying to deliver a quality product. But as the saying goes, "It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch". To all those players we played alongside during our journey through this game we thought we would be playing and contributing to for much longer than we were able to in the end, we say thank you. We enjoyed fighting with many of you and alongside a few of you.

And to those who tried to spread lies and hated on us, I can only say what we always said while you lay dead at our feet...


All existing members will be removed by 9:00 pm EST (-5 GMT) on 04/14/2011 to avoid any potential retribution by Icarus staff for our official statement and imminent mass exodus by those currently tagged as clan "Cyber Destruction". If you wish to continue playing "Fallen Earth", we wish you the best of luck, but please make other arrangements for clan membership by this time or you will be automatically dropped in game.

We appreciate all the players who have been with us and hope you all will join us in the next big game we will surely be joining in the coming days. This decision will NOT effect anyone's membership on our site and noone should be concerned about any retribution within this community if your choice is to continue playing "Fallen Earth".

Stay tuned to this thread for further updates regarding evidence of the aforementioned statements, as well as announcements we will be posting of games that "Cyber Destruction" will be officially joining in the very near future. Plans are already in the works for new versions of [CD] in other great games both existing and future released. We are not going away from gaming, we are just leaving this one.

Please use the template in the following attachment to help make requesting a subscription refund easier...

15.04.2011 | 00:05 | # 2 |
очень бы хотелось вкратце знать что именно тут написано
кто сможет объясните плз

are you REDy?
15.04.2011 | 00:11 | # 3 |
Ну, какой то клан недоволен чем то (ГМами и всякой др. фигней) и уходит из игры путем удаления чаров и клана - так перевел промт.

Vzhik Idreda Voron
19.04.2011 | 02:47 | # 4 |
Cyber - Destruction

клан видео www.youtube.com/theREDALERTclan
10.07.2011 | 21:55 | # 5 |
эх куда делся кобраз с фраерком(( он был мне как отец(

клан видео www.youtube.com/theREDALERTclan
11.07.2011 | 21:24 | # 6 |
да здесь мы . вот думаем вливаться или как . как патч отразился на игре. нужно мнение .стоит ли погамать. или уже к оружию бантики прилипили.
11.07.2011 | 22:33 | # 7 |
это теперь командная игра! я в соло дохну ! а ранше ппц был!

клан видео www.youtube.com/theREDALERTclan
11.07.2011 | 23:36 | # 8 |
теперь только команда

клан видео www.youtube.com/theREDALERTclan
12.07.2011 | 13:25 | # 9 |
Quote (JazzMatic)
теперь только команда

вот и билды нужно делать под команду smile

are you REDy?
12.07.2011 | 14:30 | # 10 |
Вроде сегодня написали, что здоровье мобов убавили.

Prul, Bugmir, Shatun
13.07.2011 | 09:43 | # 11 |
Quote (Пруль)
Вроде сегодня написали, что здоровье мобов убавили.

Ага, теперь это значит, что если отбегать от респов и валить мобов по одному, то выжить можно... Если забаффаешься хорошо и еду будешь есть топовую. biggrin

Floe Peresvet - крафтер\пистолетчик. Denaturat - злобная молотилка Vasilii Zaicev - убивец с винтовкой.

13.07.2011 | 17:59 | # 12 |
Ну значит гибрид билд будет актуален)А то,что киберы вышли конечно печально...Хотя и не настолько большая потеря)
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