Чтобы принять участие в евенте найдите Cindy Loom Whom в одном из городов - Spider Hill, New Flagstaff, Trader’s Flat или Los Alamos и остановите Grunch'а! Следите за картой, на ней появляются значки grunch world event'а. Принимая участие в этом world event'е вы получаете печеньки (Gingerbread cookies)! После их можно обменять у Cindy Loom Whom на подарки (12 печенек за коробку) или 55 лвл сможет обменять печеньки (всего один раз) на Xmas book (за 36 печенек) . В этой книге рецепты на уникальную еду (195 cooking), полезную в тч и для пвп. Да и какая разница? Крафтер обязан иметь все книги! Спешите! Остановите Grunch'а!
Version 3.01 Patch Notes Xmas Event The Grunch is back! To participate in the event find Cindy Loom Whom in one of her four locations - Spider Hill, New Flagstaff, Trader’s Flat or Los Alamos to get the mission to stop the Grunch . The keep an eye out for the Grunch world event, if you participate and collect enough Gingerbread cookies Cindy will reward you with a Xmas box filled with all kinds of random Holiday goodies. The missions are repeatable so you can try and collect all the new gear – including new clothes and new camp a new holiday car!
Level 55 players also have the opportunity to turn in Gingerbread cookies in exchange for a book of holiday foods. But act fast some of the ingredients only drop from Whoms during the holidays
- Cows and Pigs now drop leather on basic tables and protein on rare tables.
- Added cheery holiday decorations to LifeNet Facilities, Bunker bars, and Character select screen!
- Altered the object models for certain keeps to limit PvP exploits.
- Removed a floating knife model from Tinkersdam.
- Removed Debris from beneath switch in assault
- Added No Vehicle zones around Fender's Gate keeps.
- Removed clutter from Progress Town to prevent NPCs from getting stuck
- Fixed a collision issue in the tutorial
- Strategic Maneuvers in Papermill no longer excludes Pistoleers